Start Calling Yourself A Writer

Jasmin Mark
4 min readApr 7, 2022

Start Calling Yourself A Writer

Are you, someone who enters a room full of people, and start associating every person with a character they know or they may have created it in their head or simply start observing everyone and their surroundings?

Someone who is constantly writing a script in their head but it physically doesn’t exist?

Have you ever been lost in your own imagination that you didn’t even realize that someone is even talking to you through this whole time?

If all these or any of these things happen to you constantly or occasionally, you may end up writing some of that or not, you still qualify in the category of a writer. Being a writer does not have to do with the publication of your book or being an author of a best-selling novel already, but it simply has to do with the qualities and habits of a person that qualify them as a writer, which also include the above-mentioned scenarios as well.

Writing a book is not the only qualification of a writer:

Many people mistake a book writer, as the only person who can be attributed as a writer, which is not true. Having a publication or getting paid for your writing is just part of this field of writing, it is actually a bonus but definitely not the defining part of who qualifies as a writer.

Having a book may be the eventual step in your journey as a writer but there are several more steps that lead you towards that and still qualify you as a writer.

Find Your Voice:

If you are good at observing your surroundings then you must be good at observing yourself too. The process should start from within. As a writer when you are on the journey of creating characters, the element of you knowing your voice plays an indispensable role while giving details to your story and characters.

Finding your voice is the first and most crucial task to work on when you start writing.

Know Your Genre and Audience:

If your piece of writing is not getting the kind of recognition you thought it would then it does not mean you should stop writing, instead, you should consider the fact for which audience you are writing it.

If you are certain about the genre you want to write in, then research is the most important next step that comes later in that.

Work on your weaknesses:

Nobody gets perfect in a day. From the most successful writers to the beginner, everyone at every stage has certain weaknesses to work on. The best way to polish your writing skills is to go about the approach of being always a work in progress.

When you have the ability to become a writer, the only thing that you need is not validation from the outer world of you being a writer but constantly knowing, learning, and working on your skills of telling what goes on in your mind and imagination.

Prioritize Your Growth As A Writer:

To be a writer, there is no certain degree or certificate you need to finally yourself that. From the moment you detect a writer in yourself the only thing you need to work on is polishing your skills in writing.

The ultimate status you want to achieve as a writer or in the career of writing only starts from the moment when you prioritize it as something important and a place you feel worth spending your energy in.

Find What Works For You:

Writing for me personally has been a place where no rules are applied. You write your own rules and work according to what works for you. It is a space where I have felt the most freedom. Articulating my thoughts the way I want to and the way they feel more real and honest gives open space for my mind to search for the best way to put it.

It does not have to look better than any other person’s fancy words but the requirement is to only look as much honest and authentic as it can be.

I am sure it is the same for you too. Never put yourself under pressure to follow “The Tips For A Best Writer” remember you are not competing with anybody here but yourself, for yourself.

Rejection Is The Part Of Journey, Never Let It Overwhelm You:

There are many things that may inspire you and motivate you to write, which is good if you go with the natural procedure by keeping it real and as much close and personal to you as possible.

When that inspiration and imagination take the form of words, it becomes subjective. Every person reads it through their lens and experiences and the stage they are at.

Sometimes they may also misunderstand or not completely be able to comprehend your idea and end up rejecting it, but that does mean letting their ideas interpret your vision but you should simply learn to get comfortable with that.

If You Want To Call Yourself A Writer, Call It Now and Start Working On IT:

What qualifies you as a writer are the characteristics far more different than you might have in your mind. The ability to write mainly requires the art of storytelling. How you see things, how you want to tell them, and make the reader and listeners hear you.

There is no point in waiting for the magic moment to happen, to finally receive that title. Being a writer is a journey that has its own magic and treasure to offer you. The best choice you could make is to learn to enjoy and cherish the ride,



Jasmin Mark

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