Do You Want To Graduate Sooner? Here Are 5 Dissertation Tips And Tricks That’ll Help!

Every student dreams of graduating sooner and writing the best dissertation as it is the most essential aspect of their life. But the question here is, how would you do that?

Well, you don’t need to worry because we are here for you. We have listed 5 Dissertation Tips And Tricks That’ll Help you graduate at least 6 months sooner, so let’s dive in without dragging it further!

1) Take The Lead On Your Dissertation!

The first and foremost thing that you need to keep in mind is that You are in charge of your dissertation, not your thesis advisor, do not let them take the lead and be the leader of your own dissertation.

Let me be clear here, although your thesis supervisor might be an expert in your subject and may even be sponsoring your work, yet graduate school is meant to teach you how to be an independent researcher.

You have to take charge of your thesis and determine where it will go!

Once in my committee meetings, I resolved to use the same strategy that my professor suggested and I was firm and determined that I was going to use my own methods, and I was being pushy to do it so. As a result, it saved me at least six months of graduate school.

The lesson here is that your thesis supervisor or committee should not control you. You are well-versed in determining what is reasonable in terms of graduation requirements in your current position.

Here’s another pro-tip, there are many professional dissertation writers you can hire that might be more experts than your professor is, so you don’t need to worry your pretty little head about your dissertation!

2) Give All Your Attention To It!

When I was a student, I believed that the key to finishing a thesis fast was to maximize efficiency. While writing my thesis, I answered emails, ran tests, and did housework simultaneously. Aside from terrible writing and unsuccessful experiments, this strategy left me fatigued after only an hour. My energy levels had plummeted to the point that I could not write for the remainder of the day.

So, when I say give all your attention to it, I mean that you need to stop multitasking and put all your energy and thoughts into just your dissertation.

Your mind is constantly bouncing back and forth between the two jobs you’re juggling; as a result, you’ll likely fail at both. In addition, you have a certain quantity of energy, and if you don’t guard it, it will be swiftly depleted by disruptive colleagues or family arguments.

When it comes to your time and energy, you don’t always have complete control. However, it is possible to make honest work on your thesis if you carefully handle the time you have under your control.

Here is a bit of smart advice, if you are working on your thesis, you can seek help from professional essay writers or expert university assignment writers to get both things done without any hassle!

3) Make Your Time Count

To put it simply, “make every second count” was the driving force behind my six-month productivity surge over the preceding two years. After 15 minutes of typing, I had to take a five-minute break every 15 minutes to keep my discomfort under control. I needed to spend every minute in front of the computer to work on my thesis, but it made me lose interest in working.

So the trick here is that you don’t need to be as tight with your computer time as I was, but you’ll be shocked at how much you can achieve if you devote a few hours a day to your thesis when you make “every click count”. So, work lesser hours but make each second count and be productive.

A tip here is to keep your focus, and during this period, you should turn off your mobile phone, email, and social media alerts. Although it may first seem uncomfortable, it’ll produce desired results!

4) You Don’t Need To Start From Scratch

To be honest, I had no notion what a dissertation looked like.

For months, I reworked and rewrote paragraphs, second-guessing myself and taking wild guesses about what my thesis supervisor and committee wanted of me.

Now that I’d had some time to reflect after my vacation, I recognized that taking chances was no longer an option, so I set out to learn from the mistakes of others.

To get an idea of the general word count and degree of information expected in each part, I referred to these previous works of fiction as a reference.

I was glad that I already had around 80% of the components in place for my thesis.

I saved months of effort by using other students’ dissertations as models, not to mention the time I saved by not having to go through three or four rounds of revisions with my thesis committee to meet the criteria.

The moral of the story is that you can refer to other thesis, reports, and research. You can gather from already available sources and combine them to make a perfect piece for yourself; you don’t need to do everything on your own!

5) Take A Lot Of Breaks And Don’t Be Afraid To Take Them!

The five-minute breaks every 15 minutes help you gain fresh ideas and “debug” the parts of the thesis that require the most attention. So don’t be afraid and take as many breaks as you can, but the key here is you should use your breaks in gaining mental peace like doing stretching, exercising, etc. that’ll help you think broader and more creatively!



Jasmin Mark

Hello, I am Jasmin Mark working with a company deals in assignment writing. Company has own team of crowd content in the UK, best assignment helper.